Workers’ compensation coverage protects employees for work-related injuries and includes access to a wide network of claims professionals and fraud investigators. In addition, we provide access to a range of medical management staff to better manage the medical costs of these claims including registered nurses who coordinate care and medical bill review specialists to ensure payment for services is at the lowest available rates. These services ensure that injured employees receive quality medical care while reducing the overall cost of the medical expenses that affects premium. We also offer return-to-work programs to get employees back to the job as soon as it is medically appropriate.
To help minimize the potential for a workplace injury or illness, we also offer MySafetyPoint, an online comprehensive risk management tool that provides strategies to help manage common risks for a wide range of business classes.
Though benefits vary by state, workers’ compensation statutory coverage provides the following benefits for work related events:
● Compensation for disability or death
● Medical Benefits
● Temporary partial or total disability
● Permanent partial or total disability